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Jon Parrish Peede is the former Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities. His previous positions include Publisher of the Virginia Quarterly Review at the University of Virginia, Literature Grants Director at the National Endowment for the Arts, Counselor to NEA Chairman Dana Gioia, Director of the NEA Operation Homecoming: Writing the Wartime Experience program, Director of Communications at Millsaps College, and Editor at Mercer University Press.


Peede is the editor of a bilingual anthology of contemporary American fiction and co-editor of a collection of essays on Flannery O'Connor. He has published widely in newspapers, magazines, academic journals, books, and encyclopedias.


He completed his B.S. at Vanderbilt University and M.A. at the University of Mississippi. He is currently visiting writer in residence at Mississippi Valley State University. He lives in the Mississippi Delta with his family.


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In the Media

"I’ve had the pleasure of working with Jon as he’s meticulously edited my stories, of getting good advice and invaluable recommendations of books I should read, and most of all I’ve had the pleasure of having him become my friend. I’ve put the issues of VQR he presided over among my books, in the bookcase. About literary matters, he sees so clearly that it takes you a while to realize he’s always contextualizing, always looking through a manuscript with x-ray vision, hovering above it to give an overview, and raising an essential question because of what he sees in his peripheral vision. If this makes him sound like a hummingbird, he is, in a way: quick-thinking, fast-moving, fascinating, and inspirational as a person and as an editor.”

"Over the past decade the Virginia Quarterly Review has been America's most innovative literary magazine. Jon combines the experience of a writer, editor, publisher and arts administrator – a unique mix of skills that will help the journal reach an even higher level of excellence."





Storyteller, Editor, Chairman: An Interview with Jon Parrish Peede,” Humanities, Summer 2018.


National Public Radio, “Jon Peede, Trump's Nominee To Lead NEH, Makes His Case On Why Agency Should Exist,” March 30, 2018


Inside Higher Education, “Senate Confirms Leader for Humanities Endowment,” April 27, 2018


The New York Times, "Trump Nominates New Chairman for the National Endowment for the Humanities," March 4, 2018


Rhode Island Public Radio, “Head Of NEH Discusses Agency's Future Under Trump,” November 6, 2017


National Humanities Conference, Plenary Address, "The Humanities in Relationship,” November 4, 2017


Associated Press, "Cultural groups urged to seek grants amid budget uncertainty," November 3, 2017


Providence Journal, “National Endowment head tells Rhode Island there is money for arts,” November 3, 2017


Omaha World Herald, “In Omaha, National Endowment for the Humanities official says preserving arts, history is a vital mission,” October 5, 2017


The Dallas Morning News, “Libraries, museums can apply for part of $1 million grant for Harvey recovery,” September 21, 2017


NEH press release, “NEH Announces $39.3 Million for 245 Humanities Projects Nationwide,” August 2, 2017




VQR press release, “VQR Thanks Outgoing Publisher Jon Parrish Peede,” September 28, 2016


UVA Today, “National Endowment for the Arts Grants Awarded to Three U.VA. Arts Disciplines,” December 17, 2013


UVA Today, “University of Virginia Names Publisher, Deputy Editor and Advisory Board for Virginia Quarterly Review,” December 12, 2011




NEA press release, “NEA Chairman Rocco Landesman Congratulates Jon Parrish Peede on Eight Years of Service to the National Endowment for the Arts,” July 8, 2011


Grantmakers in the Arts, “A Generosity of Spirit: Characteristics of an Effective Peer Panel,” Spring 2011


Denver Post, “Bookbeat: Inside the NEA grants in writing,” March 4, 2010


Poets & Writers, “NEA Appoints Grants Director as Literature Department Expands,” July 26, 2007



At NEA Operation Homecoming program:

Massachusetts Daily Collegian, “Veterans Writers Project asks veterans to write about experiences,” April 21, 2011


Brattleboro Reformer (VT), “Vermont soldier pens war stories,” August 9, 2009


Wall Street Journal, “Faith and Fiber,” August 9, 2007


Vanderbilt Magazine, “Books and Writers,” Spring 2007


San Diego Union-Tribune, “War Experiences to be detailed at Encinitas reading,” July 25, 2006


Naples Daily News, “Soldiers' online journals under deeper scrutiny,” May 11, 2006


USA Today, “Heartfelt words from lost soldiers reveals hopes, fears,” October 25, 2005


CNN, “Military Bloggers Write about Time on Frontlines in Iraq,” May 28, 2005


USA Today, “Milbloggers' are typing their place in history,” May 12, 2005


NBC Nightly News, “War veterans learn to share their stories,” March 3, 2005


Boston Globe, “Fighting Words,” February 13, 2005


Chicago Tribune, “War through their eyes--and words,” January 23, 2005


Washington Post, “Soldiers' Stories From the Latest War,” April 20, 2004



In The Press



AWP Conference

February 9

Washington, DC

"Tips and Tricks from the Trenches: Lit Mag Editors Share Funding, Staffing, and Operational Strategies for Survival"



VQR Writers' Conference

July 14-18

Charlottesville, VA

Introduction, Rita Dove Keynote Reading

Panelist, "How to Make a Magazine"

Introduction, Major Jackson reading

Writers Center - Leesburg

March 4

Leesburg, VA

Address, "Literary Publishing"



News and Events

Selected speeches, lectures, panels, events


Common Sense Society

Britannia Fellows

Bowood House, United Kingdom

September 7-9, 2022


Common Sense Society

Carolina Fellowship

Bluffton, SC

August 4, 2022

Speech, “The Southern Literary Tradition”


Common Sense Society

K-12 Teaching Workshops

Boca Raton, FL

July 18-22, 2022

Speech, “The Humanities in Relationship” and "The Unopened Letter"


Mississippi Humanities Council

Gala and award ceremony

Jackson, MS

March 25, 2022

Award introduction, "Bill Ferris: A Man of Parts"


Common Sense Society

Gala and Conference

The Breakers, Palm Beach, FL

January 28, 2022

Panel moderator, "The Future of American Education"




Manchester Community College

Manchester, NH

May 22, 2019

Commencement Address


New Hampshire Humanities and St. Anselm College

Manchester, NH

May 22, 2019

Panel, "The Role of the Public Humanities & The National Endowment for the Humanities in New Hampshire/Rural America"


California State University at Fresno

Fresno, CA

May 17, 2019

College of Arts and Humanities Convocation Address


The Society for Military History

The Ohio State University

Columbus, Ohio

May 10, 2019

Luncheon Address, “Why Military History is Essential to the Academy”


American Council of Learned Societies

New York, NY

April 26, 2019

Centennial Luncheon Address


Kansas Stories of the Vietnam War Handover Ceremony

University of Kansas

Robert J. Dole Institute of Politics

Lawrence, KS

April 11, 2019



University of Florida

Center for the Humanities and Public Sphere

Gainesville, FL

April 5, 2019

Keynote address, Center Tenth Anniversary Celebration


Vanderbilt University

Nashville, TN

April 2, 2019

Harry C. Howard Jr. Lecture, “The Vanderbilt Tradition and the Individual Talent” 


University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Chapel Hill, NC

March 19, 2019

Hutchins Lecture discussion with Hon. William Ferris, "Stories that Matter: Humanities Leadership and the South"






James Madison Memorial Fellowship Foundation

Georgetown University, Washington, DC

June 17, 2018

Address, "Why Civic Education Matters"


National Institute of the Social Sciences

Cornell Club, New York, NY

June 12, 2018

Address, "Beauty, Optimism, and the Social Sciences"


American Council of Learned Societies

Philadelphia, PA

April 27, 2018

Luncheon Address


American Alliance of Museums

Museum Advocacy Day

Washington, DC

February 27, 2018

Remarks on NEH funding opportunities


American University

Arts Management Program

Washington, DC

February 4, 2018

Address, "Cultural Leaders in the 21st Century"


Association of Art Museum Directors

Midwinter conference

San Antonio, TX

January 30, 2018

Address with Q&A with Anne-Imelda Radice (Director, Folk Art Museum)





Louisiana Endowment for the Humanities

New Orleans Jazz Museum

New Orleans, LA

December 12, 2017

Formal address


National Humanities Conference

Boston, MA

November 4, 2017

Keynote address, "The Humanities in Relationship"


Ashland University, MFA Program

Ashland, OH

July 22, 2017

Panelist, "The Landscape of Publishing in the 21st Century" (Jon Parrish Peede, Kirsten Reach, Dan Bourne)

Visiting Editor Reading


Association of Writers & Writing Programs (AWP) Conference

Washington, DC

February 9, 2017

Panel, "Tips and Tricks from the Trenches: Lit Mag Editors Share Funding, Staffing, and Operational Strategies for Survival"




Miami University, Humanities Center

Oxford, OH

August 17, 2016

Lecture, "How to Apply For and Maximize Your Chances of Winning NEA and NEH Grants"


VQR Writers' Conference

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA

July 14-18, 2016

Introduction, Rita Dove keynote reading

Panelist, "How to Make a Magazine"

Introduction, Major Jackson reading


Writers Center - Leesburg

Leesburg, VA

March 4, 2016

Address, "Literary Publishing"


Sierra Nevada College, MFA Program

Incline Village, NV

January 7-8, 2016

Guest editor and manuscript reviewer


​Virginia Festival of the Book

Charlottesville, VA

March 18, 2016

Moderator, “On Reading and Living Our Best Lives”

Discussion of the classics by Matt Burriesci, Mark Edmundson, and Michael Pearson




VQR Writers’ Conference

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA

August 13, 2015

Panel on poetry. Remarks and moderator. With Kevin McFadden, Brian Turner, and Amy Woolard

August 15, 2015

Panel on Publishing. Remarks and moderator. With Malaika Adero, Jeff Kleinman, and Bethanne Patrick

Introduction. Keynote reading by Ann Beattie


The Future of the Catholic Literary Imagination Conference

University of Southern California

Los Angeles, CA

February 20-21, 2015

Introduction and remarks, Ron Hansen reading. Moderator, Catholic fiction panel with Richard Bausch, Paul Contino, and Mark Eaton




VQR Writers’ Conference

University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA

August 8, 2014

Conference welcome and introductions. Readings by Richard Bausch, Beth Ann Fennelly and Tom Franklin

August 9, 2014

Introduction. Keynote reading by Richard Bausch


Chesapeake Writers Conference

St. Mary’s College of Maryland

St. Mary’s City, MD

July 2014

Publishing panel. With Mitchell Waters


University of Virginia

Charlottesville, VA

February 20, 2014

Guest lecture on arts policy




Ruskin Art Club

Los Angeles, CA

November 11, 2012

VQR-Ruskin lecture and reading. Remarks and introduction. With Dana Gioia and Victoria Chang


Virginia Film Festival

Charlottesville, VA

November 2, 2012

"Chasing Ice" documentary panel discussion




Pioneer Valley Veterans Writers Project

University of Massachusetts – Amherst

Amherst, MA

April 5, 2011

Panel and discussion. Organized by Veterans Education Project, Mass Veterans Services, and the Daily Hampshire Gazette. With Andrew Carroll, Judy Gagnon, Robert Meagher, and Robert Wilson


Associated Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) Conference

Washington, DC

February 4, 2011

“Advice to Grantmakers from National Endowment for the Arts” panel. With Amy Stolls




Oxford Conference of the Book

Oxford, MS

March 6, 2010

“Teaching Barry Hannah” panel. Formal paper. With Jay Watson, Donald Kartiganer, Daniel E. Williams




Guadalajara International Book Fair

Guadalajara, Mexico

November 2009

Panel on American writers. And Los Angeles-focused bookstore organizer.


Mississippi State University

Starkville, MS

November 13, 2009

"Funding from NEA" Grant workshop and remarks


The Writer’s Center

Bethesda, MD

May 22, 2009
Muse of Fire screening. Remarks and panel moderator. With Operation Homecoming participants.


Newburyport Literary Festival

Newburyport, MA

April 24, 2009

Opening Ceremony. Interview with Julia Alvarez about her work.

April 25, 2009

Operation Homecoming and wartime writing panel. Remarks and moderator. With Richard Bausch and Marilyn Nelson


International Arts Movement Conference

New York, NY

February 27, 2009

Operation Homecoming Session: Writing about the Wartime Experience


Associated Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) Conference

Chicago, IL

February 12, 2009

“Applying for a National Endowment for the Arts Fellowship: Helpful Hints for Writers and Translators” panel. With Amy Stolls and Catherine Vass




Arts Council of Northern Ireland–NEA Literary Reading

Queen’s University Belfast

Belfast, Northern Ireland

October 18, 2008

Remarks about New North and New Voices anthologies partnership. Reading by Natasha Trethewey and H. L. Hix. With Philip Hammond, editor Chris Agee, Gearóid Mac Lochlainn, and Alan Gillis. (Online at Seamus Heaney Centre Digital Archive)




Universidad Regiomontana, School of Education

Monterrey, Mexico

November 28, 2007

Speech on the short story in American literature

Question and answer session with Ron Hansen regarding Lo que cuenta el vecino


Museo de Historia

Monterrey, Mexico

November 29, 2007

Speech on the short story in American literature

Question and answer session with Ron Hansen regarding Lo que cuenta el vecino


Casa de la Cultura, Centro de Escritores workshop

Monterrey, Mexico

November 29, 2007

Speech on the short story in American literature

Question and answer session with Ron Hansen regarding Lo que cuenta el vecino


Operation Homecoming: Veterans’ Day Event

Wichita, KS

November 11, 2007

Muse of Fire film screening and Operation Homecoming discussion with Andrew Carroll, U.S. Army Captain Ryan Kelly, U.S. Army Specialist Kristina Kolodziejsk. Remarks by Congressman Todd Tiahrt


Bagram Airfield (U.S. Armed Forces)

Bagram, Afghanistan

May 2007

Operation Homecoming workshops. With Andrew Carroll


Manas Air Base (U.S. Armed Forces)

Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

May 2007

Operation Homecoming workshops. With Andrew Carroll




Vanderbilt University

Nashville, TN

November 29, 2006

Operation Homecoming and wartime writing panel. Remarks and moderator. With Sandi Austin, Richard Bausch, Kathleen Toomey Jabs, and Ryan Kelly


Miami Book Fair International

Miami, FL

November 19, 2006

Operation Homecoming and wartime writing discussion and book signing


Fort Carson (U.S. Army)

Fort Carson, CO

November 15, 2006

Operation Homecoming and wartime writing discussion and book signing. With Jeff Shaara


The John F. Kennedy Library and Museum

Boston, MA

November 11, 2006

Veterans’ Day Event. Remarks and panel discussion and book signing with Andrew Carroll and U.S. troops


Southern Festival of the Book

Memphis, TN

October 13, 2006

Operation Homecoming and wartime writing discussion and book signing. With Richard Bausch


Fall for the Book Festival

Fairfax, VA

October 1, 2006

Operation Homecoming and wartime writing discussion and book signing


Encinitas Celebrates Veterans

Encinitas, CA

September 22, 2006

Remarks and book signing with reading by Andrew Carroll and U.S. troops




RAF Mildenhall (U.S. Air Force)
Mildenhall, England
July 23, 2005

Beyond Glory play. Remarks and writing workshop. With Stephen Lang


Naval Support Activity Bahrain; Fifth Fleet at Sea

Kingdom of Bahrain;

Persian Gulf

Summer 2005

Operation Homecoming writing workshops with Jeff Shaara. Beyond Glory one-man play by Stephen Lang


Oxford Conference of the Book

Oxford, MS

April 7-9, 2005

Panelist, "The Endangered Species: Readers Today and Tomorrow."


Camp Pendleton (U.S. Marine Corps)
Camp Pendleton, CA
February 24-25, 2005
Operation Homecoming program. Event and workshop remarks. With Tobias Wolff and Victor Davis Hanson


MacDill Air Force Base 
Tampa, FL
February 10-11, 2005
Operation Homecoming program. Event and workshop remarks. With Joe Haldeman and Judith Ortiz Cofer


Cannon Air Force Base 
Clovis, NM
January 18-19, 2005 
Operation Homecoming program. Event and workshop remarks. With Richard Currey and Dan Rifenburgh


Hurlburt Field (U.S. Air Force)
Pensacola, FL
January 11-12, 2005
Operation Homecoming program. Event and workshop remarks. With Barry Hannah and Wyatt Prunty




Naval Air Station North Island at Coronado 
San Diego, CA
December 8-9, 2004
Operation Homecoming program. Event and workshop remarks. With Mark Bowden and Lawrence Christon


Offutt Air Force Base  
Bellevue, NE
November 22-23, 2004
Operation Homecoming program. Event, workshop remarks, workshop co-leader. With Stephen Lang and Larry Smith


Norfolk Naval Station 
Norfolk, VA
September 21-22, 2004
Operation Homecoming program. Event and workshop remarks. With Tom Clancy and Marilyn Nelson


Fort Richardson (U.S. Army)
Anchorage, AK
September 13-15, 2004
Operation Homecoming program. Event and workshop remarks. With Jeff Shaara and Evan Wallach


Elmendorf Air Force Base (held at Fort Richardson)  
Anchorage, AK
September 13-15, 2004
Operation Homecoming program. Event and workshop remarks. With Jeff Shaara and Evan Wallach


Caserma Ederle (U.S. Army)
Vicenza, Italy
August 31-September 1, 2004 
Operation Homecoming program. Event and workshop remarks. With Richard Bausch and E. Ethelbert Miller


Camp Lejeune (U.S. Marine Corps)
Jacksonville, NC
July 28-30, 2004
Operation Homecoming program. Event and workshop remarks. With Bobbie Ann Mason, Andrew Hudgins, and Erin McGraw


Fort Drum (U.S. Army)
Watertown, NY
June 3-5, 2004
Operation Homecoming program. Event and workshop remarks. With Richard Bausch and McKay Jenkins


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© 2017 by Jon Parrish Peede

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